All of our leagues are independently directed by elected officers. For more information or to sign up for a league, send us an email at and we will re-direct you with contact information for the appropriate league officer.

Day: Type; Time Bowled, Start Date, Length
Monday: 3-Person Ladies; 1:00pm, September 9th, 30 weeks (Has Openings)
Monday: 4-Person Mixed; 7:00pm, September 9th, 32 weeks*
Tuesday: 4-Person Mixed; 7:00pm, September 3rd, 32 weeks*
Wednesday: 4-Person Men's; 7:00pm, September 4th, 33 weeks*
Thursday: 3-Person Ladies; 7:00pm, September 5th, 30 weeks*
Friday: 4-Person Mixed; 7:00pm, September 6th, 33 weeks*
Sunday: 2-Person Mixed Doubles; 6:30pm, September 15th, 28 weeks (Has Openings)

*Currently no team openings - inquire with a league officer to be added to wait list.

Our youth league is independently directed by our volunteer youth coordinator, Brooke. For all youth inquiries please send an email to

October 19th, 20 weeks
Ages 12-18, 10:30am
Ages 8-12, 10:30am or 1:30pm
Ages 5-8, 1:30pm

Upcoming Tournaments

Adult/Junior Scholarship Fundraiser Tournament

Mid-Hudson Mixed Scotch Doubles